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This search, performed through 1.24 MB (66 documents, 3026 words), completed in 0.5 seconds and yielded 20 results.

Guide to Webvault Webmail Professional — 17.6%

[...] login to Webmail Pro visit the website http://webmailpro.webvault.com.au Enter your email Username and Password and click Login Add a Contact to your Address Book You can store address contacts in Webmail Pro. Please note that these are only accessible when using Webmail Pro, and cannot be access via Microsoft Outlook or other email software. Click Contacts on the left hand side. Right-Click in the right hand section of the interface and select New. Enter the required information for your new contact and select OK to save. Sending an Email Highlight [...]

Guide to Using Webvault Mailing List Services — 15.3%

[...] with an email address to which a list server belongs. If your list server is moderated, a moderator password must be supplied before commands such as adding a new subscriber can be processed. This would prevent unwanted subscribers from adding themselves to your mailing lists. List Server Commands To send a command to the list server you should send an email to the list server address. One or more commands can be specified in the main body of your email. One command should be specified per line and be followed by a carriage return. Emails sent to the list server [...]

Install Offsite Backup Manager for Windows — 12.9%

[...] backup servers. Then click Next To configure a backup account, enter an appropriate username and password for your business, computer or server. Choose your password carefully, as by default the software will encrypt all of your backup data using your password key. Do NOT forget your password , without this password key you will NOT be able to restore an decrypt your backup data should you ever require it. Enter your email address (Required). This [...]

How To Setup POP3 or IMAP Email in MacOS Mail — 4.7%

[...] mail.yourdomain.com.au) Logon Information User Name: (Enter your email account username, Eg. company.username Password: (Enter your email account password) Outgoing Mail Server: (Enter your outgoing email server, normally the mail server of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), Eg. mail.yourisp.com.au) NOTE: If you are unsure of your outgoing email server SMTP setting please refer to our Outgoing Email Server SMTP Settings article for more information. Logon Information User Name: (Enter your email account username, [...]

How To Setup POP3 or IMAP in Windows Live Mail — 4.7%

[...] your email address. This must be accurate for you to receive reply emails, Eg. joe@yourdomain.com.au) Password: (Enter your email account password) * Tick the Remember [...]

Webvault Polycom IP Phone Systems User Guide — 4.7%

[...] Alternatively dial 8 and press send or dial on your IP telephone. When Prompted enter your voicemail password and press #. If you have new messages, Press 1 to listen to each message in sequence. After listening to a message press 1 to repeat, or 2 to save the message, 3 to delete, or 4 to forward. After listening to all messages press # to confirm erasing any messages you chose to delete. To access the voicemail system for another extension or for a centralized mailbox: Dial 08* following by the voicemail extension number, then press send or dial (Eg. 08*19929999 [...]

How To Setup POP3 or IMAP Email in Outlook Express — 4.7%

[...] Internet Mail Logon User Name: (Enter your email account username, Eg. company.yourname Password: (Enter your email account password) Tick the Remember [...]

How To Setup POP3 or IMAP Email in Mozilla Thunderbird — 3.5%

[...] email address. This must be accurate for you to receive reply emails, Eg. joe@yourdomain.com.au) Password: (Enter your email account password) On the next Mail Account Setup dialog window, enter the information as follows. Editing Config User Name: (Enter your email account username, Eg. yourdomain.username) Incoming: (Enter the incoming server details for your email account, normally in the following format, Eg. mail.yourdomain.com.au ) Outgoing: (Enter your outgoing email server, normally the mail server of your Internet Service [...]

How To Setup POP3 or IMAP Email on Apple iPhone or iPad — 3.5%

[...] Other option. Next choose the Add Mail Account option. Enter your full name , email address and password for your email account as shown. You can enter a friendly Description of your email account to identify the account on your device. Click the Next button and your device will now try and verify your account settings. Your device should now request additional information. Select the POP button if you wish to use the POP3 protocol or choose IMAP if you know your email service has been enabled for IMAP protocol. If you are unsure which to choose select the [...]

Publishing Your Website Files with FTP — 3.5%

[...] which will consist of the following information: FTP Server: ftp.yourdomain.com.au Username: username Password: *********** To connect to your FTP server account, open FileZilla and use the quick connect feature by entering your server and login details at the top as shown. Then click the Connect Button. If you have connected successfully, you will see the following command response text in the top section of the FileZilla window: Response: 220 Webvault FTP Server ready... Command: USER anonymous Response: 331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address [...]

Credit Card Merchant Services API Developers Guide — 3.5%

[...] parameter must be supplied with every request so that you can authenticate and conduct a transaction. Password (Required, Max 20 Characters) This is your merchant services account password. This parameter must be supplied with every request so that you can authenticate and conduct a transaction. RequestType (Required) This indicates the type of transaction request you wish to process. You must supply this parameter with a valid transaction request type string. Below is a list of types of transaction requests you can perform and the corresponding [...]

Decrypt Local Files With Offsite Backup Manager — 3.5%

[...] on your local computer you will require internet access and your offsite backup service username and password to begin the process. You will also need your encryption key used to backup the data you are trying to decrypt, this is often the same as your service login password, but may be different. Decrypting Data Open and login to Offsite Backup Manager, and click on the the Decrypt Local Files button. Choose the file path where the encrypted files are located. This location is the files sub folder, inside the main account folder. The [...]

How to Set Up ExpanDrive on MacOS for WebVault FileSharing — 3.5%

[...] connection. Choose FTP/FTPS from the list of Drive Types. Then type in your server setting, username and password as supplied by your service provider. Enter an appropriate Nickname for your new drive. Select the Save option and Reconnect at Login options as shown to have your drive always available once you connect your computer to the internet. Click the Save and Close button. Select your new drive connection from the list, drop down the options list button as shown and select the Connect option. If this is the first time you are connecting to the FileShare on your [...]

How To Setup WebDrive on MacOS — 2.4%

[...] Next . 6. Untick the Anonymous/Public Login option, and then enter your Webdrive Username and Password as provided by Webvault. Click on Save Password [...]

How To Set Up WebDrive on Windows — 2.4%

[...] Click Next . 6. Untick the Anonymous/Public Login option, and then enter your Webdrive Username and Password as provided by Webvault. Click on Save Password [...]

How to Create a MySQL Database with phpMyAdmin — 2.4%

[...] available server users. In the section titled Login Information - type in a username , localhost and a password in the fields as shown. Optionally you can press the Generate button to create a random password [...]

Setup POP3 Email on a Blackberry Device — 2.4%

[...] go to Setup option in the Main Menu Select E-mail Setting Scroll down and enter your username & password and select LogIn Select Add My existing Email Account Enter Email Address & Email Passward and select Next After the Processing, Please wait screen you will get the Unable To Configure page select the option I will provide the settings to add to this email account and select Next Make sure Internet Service Provider Email (POP/IMAP) is selected and click Next Select I will provide the settings to add to this email account and click Next Enter your [...]

How to Create a MySQL Database with MySQL Workbench — 2.4%

[...] Workbench. MySQL workbench may require a login to your MySQL server. Enter your root or user and password that has been assigned dba server privileges. Click on the New Schema icon in the menu, and then enter a name for your new database in the field as shown. Click the Apply button to generate the SQL script. Click the Apply button again to execute the create database statement, and create your new database. Click Finish . Your database should now be listed on the left with your other database schemas. Click the Home icon in the top left corner to return [...]

How to Backup Your Microsoft Outlook 2007 Profile Data — 1.2%

[...] button. If you are presented with the “Create Microsoft Personal Folders” dialog box make sure that both password boxes are blank, and then click “OK”. [...]

How to Create or Edit Email Accounts in Cloud Toolbox — 1.2%

[...] Services . Create an Email Account Login to the Cloud Toolbox System with your Toolbox Username and password. If you do not yet have login credentials [...]

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