Page History: How To Setup POP3 or IMAP Email in Outlook Express
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In Microsoft Outlook Express, select the
Tools Menu, and choose the
Accounts option.
The “Internet Accounts” window will be displayed. Select the
Mail tab if it is not already selected. A list of email accounts will be displayed. If you have no existing email accounts setup in Outlook Express, the list will be blank as ablow. If you have an existing account setup that is being replaced by a new one, you may wish to select it and choose
Remove. otherwise for a new email account click the
Add button, and choose mail.
Your Name & Internet Email AddressDisplay Name: (Enter your first & last name, or your business name. This is the name people will see when you email them, Eg. Joe Bloggs)
Email Address: (Specify your email address. This must be accurate for you to receive reply emails, Eg.
E-mail Server NamesMy incoming mail server is a: (Choose POP3 by default, if you have applied for an IMAP account choose the IMAP option.)
Incoming Mail Server: (Enter the incoming server details for your email account, normally in the following format, Eg.
Outgoing Mail Server: (Enter your outgoing email server, normally the mail server of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), Eg.
Internet Mail LogonUser Name: (Enter your email account username, Eg. company.username
Password: (Enter your email account password)
- Tick the Remember password check box so that you do not have to keep typing your password
Click the Next button, and then click the Finish button on the following screen. You will now see your new email account in the list of mail accounts.
You can modify your email account settings at any time in the future, by selecting the
Properties button. For now, select the
Close button and then click the
Send/Receive button on the main toolbar to check your email. You can test your new settings are working by sending yourself an email!
Outlook More Settings Dialog
Outlook 2007 has advanced email account settings available under the
More Settings button on the
Internet Email Settings page of your email account. To access
More Settings in Outlook 2007, select the
Tools menu, choose
Account Settings. On the
E-mail tab double-click your email account in the list, and then click the
More Settings button.
Below is an overview of the settings available under the More Settings section.
General Settings Tab
On the
General Settings tab you can change the name of your email account as it appears in the list of email accounts in Outlook Account settings. You can also optionally specify your business or organisation name.
Do NOT specify a Reply E-mail address unless you want return emails to get sent to an email address other than the one you are currently using (Not Recommended).
Advanced Settings Tab
If you are using an SMTP enabled email account with Webvault then it is recommended that you change the
Outgoing Server (SMTP) port on the
Advanced tab from the default 25 to 366. This will allow you to bypass firewall restrictions that most internet access providers impose on connections to remote mail servers. If you are using your ISPs default outgoing email server setting, then you should NOT adjust the settings on this page.
You can also download your email from Webvault servers using secure SSL encryption by ticking the
This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) checkbox under the POP3 section.
If you have an SMTP enabled email account with Webvault, you can also use the secure TLS encryption option under the Outgoing Server settings on the advanced tab.